Legends of the Fly
The Lynnhaven Oyster Club is thrilled to support Legends of the Fly. Thanks to everyone.
Today's raw bar has three main categories of sauces to enjoy.
The Oysters*
These oysters are raised in the Eastern Branch of the Lynnhaven River.
Lynnhaven Legend Oysters*
The finest the river has to offer: The Lynnhaven Legend. Enjoy your oysters with the featured mignonette and beverage of choice.
Homemade Mignonettes
French Mignonette
Classic French Mignonettes combine vinegar, shallots, salt & pepper. Color is obtained by mixing various portions of white and red wine vinegars.
Rainbow Mignonette
Making its debut, this mignonette celebrates the color of fall and ripening fruits!
Ponzu Station
Try various combinations of ingredients with the Ponzu sauce. A little bit goes a long way!
Pair LOC's prized homemade ponzu with green onion and be sure to give it a good chew. See Guincho Style for additional options.
*Raw Seafood Warning
Oysters on the half shell are raw.
Slightly steamed and/or roasted oysters are considered undercooked.
Consuming raw or undercooked oysters may increase your risk of food borne illness.
Elderly or immune compromised persons should be especially careful.
Per VA Code: 12VACS-421-930